Corporate Culture | Ubridge Carried Out the 2024 “Releasing Youth, Gathering Strength” Themed Team Building Activity

Author:Ubridge New MaterialRelease Time:2024.04.30


To further enhance the cohesion of the enterprise, familiarize new and old employees with each other, and improve communication and cooperation between departments, Ubridge organized the headquarters staff to go to Gaozhou Immortal Cave, Xinyi Plum Flower Valley, and Ma'an Bamboo Sea to carry out the team building and development activities themed “Releasing Youth, Gathering Strength”.


Deep breathing the forest


With rolling hills and winding mountain roads, everyone was excited on the way to the Immortal Cave scenic spot. The Immortal Cave features ancient pines, strange stones, clear pools, beautiful waterfalls, clean air, and mountain sceneries, charming everyone with its fresh air and the magic of nature.


People praised the “Flying Fairy” show, dazzling waterfalls, verdant bamboo sea, good attendance of Panxian Cave, exciting rafting, and thrilling glass bridge... Everyone climbed the mountain, felt the pleasure of sports and fitness, and enjoyed the nature and cultural landscape, relaxing their body and mind like never before.

Bonfire party


As night fell, the lively bonfire party in Xinyi Plum Flower Valley Ecological Scenic Spot kicked off. The lit bonfire, exciting games, songs, dances, cheers, laughter, and the cumin aroma of barbecue interwind with the night mist in the valley. People enjoyed the food and beers, drawn closer by laughter and cracking firewood.

Gathering of minds through team building to win glory


At 8:00 a.m. on the 28th, the fun team building and development activities were carried out on a flat hilltop site surrounded on three sides by an orchard full of green plums.


Teams were established in accordance with the rules of the activity. The randomly formed “Wolf Team”, “Flying Tiger Team”, “Dream Team”, “Eagle Team”, and “Green Mountain Team” listened to the command of the instructor, followed the rules of the game, and organized their respective players to start the game.


 Dragon Rising - This game requires blowing up the balloons, connecting them together to form a lively dragon body, drawing the eyes with ink to wake up the dragon, and waving the colorful dragons and dancing with them...The whole process was filled with commands and teamwork, guidance and tacit cooperation, innovation and creativity, showing the spirit of teamwork.



  The Stars Huddling the Moon - The core of this game lies in the mutual care, reminders, cooperation, and collaboration between the players to move the yoga ball swiftly on a plane without any external assistance back and forth between the start and finish lines.

 Power Circle - This game involves everyone's cooperation in pulling a soft cotton rope in a hard circle and completing 50 to 100 rapid spiral circles - Can you believe it? We really did it!


50 people sitting in a circle with both hands holding the cotton rope, and tilted back 30 degrees at the same time in accordance with the requirements of the instructor. Then, the miracle happened - the originally soft cotton rope was instantly pulled to a ring hard as steel, which allowed people to walk on it. This shows the power of collective collaboration. Everyone was amazed when hearing the instructor's command. They were all, convinced and agreed that “Unity can turn the softest rope into hard steel”, which was also the biggest gain of this team building activity.


To the west of the Plum Flower Valley is the Ma'an Bamboo Sea. Riding the sightseeing car, people in the car marveled at the magic of nature. The lush forests of bamboo, pavilions; fresh wind, and shadows of bamboo impressed every tourist. People left their footprints in the bamboo forest and memorized the lush green on the viewing platform.


The activity ended perfectly with laughter and everyone’s longing for more. It enabled everyone to relax thoroughly in the busy work, enriching friendships between colleagues and strengthening the tacit understanding of each other, bringing warmth and harmony to Ubridge's big family!