Safety | Flood Season Response

Author:Ubridge New MaterialRelease Time:2023.09.10

Maoming Meteorological Station issued a red alert for heavy rainfall in Meihua Town and High-tech Zone, Maonan District, Maoming City: Over the past 3 hours, heavy to severe rainfall has occurred in Meihua Town, and heavy precipitation is expected to continue. At 21:47 on September 9, 2023, Maoming Meteorological Station upgraded the orange alert for rainstorms to red alert in Meihua Town and High-tech Zone of Maonan District. The orange alert for other towns and streets of Maonan District and the yellow alert for Binhai New Area continues to be in effect......

Maoming Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau also issued an emergency notice: In view of the red alert for rainstorms in Maonan District, the city's Headquarters Office of Flood, Drought, and Typhoon Control has initiated a level-3 emergency response. Continuous heavy rainfall has caused serious waterlogging in the urban areas. Please do not go out in non-emergency situations to avoid the dangers of wading into the water.


The Maoming Municipal Bureau of Education issued a notice of school suspension: Schools and Kindergartens (including private ones) of Maonan District, High-tech Zone, and the municipality should suspend classes immediately for the defense against the rainstorm. The resumption of classes will be notified later. 

Posts about serious waterlogging in low-lying roads and neighborhoods in urban Maoming popped up on WeChat Moments:

According to the Maoming Meteorological Station forecast, Maoming in the coming week will always be in the moderate, heavy, or heavy to torrential rain......

After the heavy rain and flooding

Sweltering heat and humidity will continue

In addition to defense against flooding

What diseases should we be vigillant for?

How should we take personal health precautions?

Check it out

Insect-Borne Diseases

Insect-borne diseases are a type of vector-borne infectious diseases, which are mainly transmitted by arthropods such as mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks (commonly known as "bugs"), and are highly destructive and infectious.

After a flood, the density of mosquitoes will soar, and their frequent contact with human beings makes the possibility of insect-borne diseases high. There are many types of mosquitoes, and the three most common ones are Anopheles, Aedes, and Culex mosquitoes. The most typical mosquito-borne infectious disease is dengue fever. Second to mosquitoes are ticks. Tick bites may cause conditions as severe as sustained high fever to organ failure and death.

Vigilance against Rat-Borne Infectious Diseases

According to experts, rats can spread plague, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, leptospirosis, and other infectious diseases. After a flood, rat holes will be submerged. Most of the rats, with good swimming ability, will survive and will migrate to the surrounding higher residential areas, causing an increase in rat density as well as the risk of disease transmission.

Vigilance against Skin Diseases

According to experts, skin diseases that tend to occur after heavy rainfall and flooding mainly include fungal infections, bacterial infections, and dermatitis.

 ● If hands and feet are immersed in water for a long time, the barrier function of skin and mucous membrane will be damaged, which will likely cause fungal infections, leading to tinea pedis, ringworm, and other fungal skin diseases.

There are often floating objects in the flood, which are very prone to cause injuries during the process of disaster response. These injuries are susceptible to the infection of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and gram-negative bacteria, which may cause folliculitis, impetigo’ and other bacterial infectious diseases.

As floodwater contains many bacteria, fungi, and pollutants, people who have allergies are more susceptible to skin disorders including eczema, dermatitis, and erythema papulosum once they are exposed.

Vigilance against Accidental Injuries

      In addition to the above diseases, experts advise to be vigilant against snake bites, choking, heat stroke, and other accidental injuries. Upon being bitten by a snake, one must be rushed to the hospital as soon as possible for treatment; if possible, it is advisable to take a picture of the snake to facilitate the timely identification for treatment. Also, floodwater may contain many drug-resistant microorganisms, which may cause uncommon infections in the lungs after accidental choking. Therefore, one should seek medical attention as soon as possible after choking on floodwater. Lastly, beware of heat stroke in the summer as the weather is hot.


       Experts emphasize safety first after rainstorms and floods. Under the premise of good safety protection, one should maintain good personal hygiene, wash hands, and take showers diligently. It is advisable to wear long-sleeve clothes and pants outdoors to prevent mosquito bites. In addition, people are prone to anxiety, depression, despair, and other negative emotions during disasters, which may cause serious psychological disorders. Therefore, maintaining an optimistic mindset may help you handle the disaster properly and stay healthy.