Tribute to our Veteran Colleagues

Author:Ubridge New MaterialRelease Time:2024.08.01

Joining the army is a lifetime commitment.The oath remains valid

even after retirement and being transferred to civilian work.The mission should always be accomplished.

The glories of military days

still inspire them on today’s industrial posts.

Let us know more about these heroes,

learning about their uniformed past,

listening to the words from the depth of their heart,

and witnessing how they are writing a new chapter of glory

in every corner of the factory with their actions.

Liu Wenlong - Army

Driver of the Comprehensive Administration Department of Ubridge headquarters. He served in a unit in the Southern Theater Command and honorably retired from the army in 2013. He was twice awarded the title of Outstanding Soldier.

Liu Wenlong: Retirement is not the end but a new beginning. When I was in the army, I was proud of defending my country; after joining Ubridge, I took the company as my home. Although the environment and tasks have changed, my passion and dedication to my work remain the same.


Li Biwen -Air force

Shift leader of the tabling workshop of Guangdong Ubridge High-tech Factory. He served in the bomb squadron in a troop of the Southern Theater Command and honorably retired from the army in 2017. He has participated in many major military exercises and the Wenchuan earthquake relief and reconstruction support. He has won the titles of Outstanding Soldier and Outstanding Officer many times in his military career.

Li Biwen: The army is a “serious, lively, united, and disciplined” group. It is also a school, which has taught me responsibility and commitment. After entering Ubridge, I brought the good style of the army into work, starting from the simplest, learning by doing, and working hard to improve my abilities, so as to lead the whole class to better performance in the production process and quality of the products.


Wu Baoning - Army

He is an operator of the titanium ore workshop in the High-tech Factory. He served in an army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and honorably retired in 2010. He was awarded honors such as Outstanding Soldier.

Wu Baoning:From the military camp to the workplace, what has changed is the environment, but what remains unchanged is the original intention. When I entered Ubridge, I integrated the skills and discipline I learnt in the army into my work. I asked more questions, thought more, and did more to learnt actively and strive for outstanding performance in my position.


Yu Lifa -Army

Operator of dry separation workshop of the High-tech Factory. He served in a unit of Guangzhou Military Region and honorably retired from the army in 2004.

Yu Lifa: From the military to the enterprise, my biggest feeling is the coexistence of “changed” and “unchanged”. What has changed is the work content and environment, but what has not changed is my passion and dedication to my work. When in the army, I took obeying orders as my first duty. In Ubridge, I transform this spirit into execution to ensure every task be completed on time and in good quality.


Liang Wenjie - Army

Process Technician of the Technical Quality Section, Guangxi Ubridge Fangchenggang No.2 Plant. He served in a command unit of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and honorably retired in 2016.

Liang Wenjie: In the army, I learnt to work in unity and selflessness. In Ubridge, I still uphold these principles and work together with my colleagues, knowing that the strength of one person is limited, but the power of a team is infinite.


Zheng Jinguo - Rifleman

Operator of the rusting workshop of Guangxi Ubridge Fangchenggang No.2 Plant. He served in a command unit of the Tibet General Brigade of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force, and honorably retired from the army in 2014.

Zheng Jinguo: I always keep the saying “Discharge is not the end, but a new beginning” in mind. In the army, I learnt to be disciplined and courageous. Nowadays, every day in Ubridge, I turn this spirit into work motivation, bravely facing challenges and fulfilling the oath of ”Exiting service does not mean dropping one's spirit” with practical actions.


Yang Zhen -Armed police

Operator in the reduction workshop of Guangxi Ubridge Fangchenggang No.2 Plant. He served in the Baise District Detachment of Guangxi Province and honorably retired from the army in 1997.

Yang Zhen: Discharge from the army does not mean to stop moving forward, but to start a new journey. In the army, I have honed the will of perseverance. In Ubridge, I have transformed this will into the motivation for continuous learning and progress. I’ll always face new challenges and make breakthroughs.


Cai Yin - Soldier


Deputy Director of the Safety Section of Guangxi Ubridge Fangchenggang No.2 Plant. He served in a unit of the Chinese People's Armed Police in Fangchenggang, Guangxi, and honorably retired in 2001.

Cai Yin: After I was discharged from the army, I stepped into the door of Ubridge with unlimited expectations for the future. Here I found a new stage and new challenges. I bring the rigor and execution from my army life into my work, and try to improve my professionalism and comprehensive ability. I know that only by constantly challenging myself can I continue to grow.


On August 1st Army Day, Ubridge New Material pays the highest respect to all soldiers! History remembers your contribution, and the motherland will not forget your glories.

On this special day, we have prepared blessing cards and gifts for the veterans of Guangdong Ubridge High-tech Factory, Guangxi Ubridge, and Fangchenggang Branch to show our respect. Soldiers guard peace with their lives and demonstrate loyalty and responsibility with their actions. The 15 veterans of Ubridge New Materials are our pride and role models.

Guangdong Ubridge High tech factory

Guangxi Ubridge Fangchenggang Branch

Guangxi Ubridge

Their smiles are the most beautiful scenery in times of peace.

Happy holidays, veterans!

 Time passes, and your hearts are steadfast as always.

      You defended our country in the past, and support our factory nowadays.

   Salute to you

      And your perseverance and selflessness,

     Veterans of Ubridge New Materials!