All the Staff of Ubridge New Material Headquarters Planted Green Plants at the Construction Site of the South China Titanium Valley Project.

Author:Ubridge New MaterialRelease Time:2024.01.01

A few days ago, the construction of the South China Titanium Valley Project of Guangdong Ubridge officially kicked off.

The first to start construction is the exhibition hall. By December 25th, the steel structure construction of the exhibition hall had been completed. It has entered into the process of fixing the roof tiles and siding.To complete the construction of the exhibition hall in the established period, the construction work at the site has been advancing in an intense and orderly manner.

Recently, all cadres and employees of Ubridge New Material headquarters collectively went to the construction site of the South China Titanium Valley Project in Maoming High-Tech Zone to participate in tree and grass planting activity.

Chairman of the Board of Directors, CEO, and Deputy General Managers of the company took the initiative to join in. Encouraged by their participation, other personnel were enthusiastic to participate in tasks such as unpacking the nutrient soil, setting up seedlings, earthing up the plants, and watering the seedlings...The warmth and enthusiasm for labor made everyone sweat and forget the cold of winter in western Guangdong.

Mr. Li Lvhua, Chairman of the Board, leveled the ground with a hoe

CEO Mr. Zhang Zhicheng and Director Mr. Lin Jingyun helped set up the seedlings

Deputy General Manager Mr. Li Yuxuan earthed up the seedling with a shovel

When the sods were delivered to the site, the land had been well raked and leveled.

As the sods were unloaded from the truck and distributed to each plot, cadres and employees immediately continued the planting. Laying sods was a meticulous job, and our colleagues finished it with diligence. To avoid the turf drying up and affecting the survival rate, they didn’t take a break after lunch and immediately went back to the planting...

Through two consecutive days of collective labor, nearly 4,000 square meters of greenery surrounded the new exhibition hall like a neatly cut green carpet full of vitality. All the participants felt immensely proud of being able to plant a sapling or lay a piece of sod on the land of the new expansion project as a blessing to the company.